Mental Health Awareness Week

From 9th-15th May, it’s Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme this year is loneliness. A large amount of us in the UK are being affected by loneliness, which can affect both our mental and physical health. When we think of what loneliness really is, it’s not down to the amount of friends we have, the amount of time we spend alone or something that’s going to happen when we reach a certain age. It’s how we feel when our social connections don’t match the needs of the ones we want or require. Therefore, loneliness is different for everyone.Loneliness is, in fact, one of the key indicators of poor mental health, affecting millions of people in the UK every year. The COVID-19 pandemic shone a light on the difficulties faced with loneliness, showing that human interaction and connection is so valuable for our mental well-being. Not having access to loved ones or feeling unable to talk to loved ones about worries or problems can leave us feeling isolated. Even the ever-changing and adapting workplace structure of hybrid or remote working means we may lose or struggle to create connections with colleagues, too.   What are the aims of Mental Health Awareness Week? Firstly, to raise awareness around mental health and the problems faced through loneliness. With this involves encouraging people to check in with friends and family and to lend a listening ear where possible. Secondly, to encourage conversations about mental health using guides, advice, and information about how best to approach it. Further information on this can be found on Mental Health UK’s website. Thirdly, to volunteer your time. This could involve spreading the word about the resources available to help with mental health problems, or by planning events to raise money for Mental Health Awareness Week. Some ideas suggested by Mental Health UK are bake sales, hosting BBQs, or arranging indoor picnics at your office. Finally, to get others to act. Through checking in with friends, talking about mental health, and planning events, encouraging others to do the same and raise awareness in any way they can will spread the word. Don’t suffer alone – what we can do to help Loneliness often does occur when living on your own, especially as you get older and find it increasingly difficult to get out, see friends and family or continue hobbies. Home care support is something that can help tackle loneliness, and we even supply Companionship Care at React Homecare specifically for helping with general tasks like shopping, but also to provide company where it may be difficult for loved ones to do so. For our carers, we appreciate that you may feel the struggles of loneliness on your mental health, too. Whether you want to talk about worries regarding work or some more personal worries, please reach out to your colleagues. Your Team Leaders and Managers will all be happy to assist you where they can or just be the listening ear you need. For further information on Mental Health Awareness Week, read here.

National Walking Month – #WalkThisMay

It’s National Walking Month, where we are all encouraged to be more active through walking, whether it’s something we already do frequently or would be taking up a new hobby. It’s also a great time of year to start walking more with the evenings becoming lighter and longer. Not only will it encourage you to be more active but swapping a short drive for a short walk would help reduce air pollution, congestion, and road danger – and would save money on fuel, too. The benefits of walking are a great reason to take part in National Walking Month. It’s good for your mental and physical health and can prevent the risk of health conditions like certain cancers, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and depression. Walking can benefit you in numerous ways: It’s good for your heart: It strengthens your heart and reduces the risk of heart disease and strokes. In fact, a 30 minute walk a day is said to reduce your risk of a stroke by 27%. It can lower the risk of dementia: Someone older who walks a least six miles a week is less likely to have problems such as dementia – walking can help prevent your brain from shrinking. It gives you energy: It may seem strange, but if you’re feeling lethargic, lazy, and slow, going on a walk could improve your energy levels. This is because it boosts your circulation and increases the oxygen supply around your body, which helps you to feel alert and awake. Vitamin D: Going on a walk means you’re being active as well as getting some Vitamin D, which is good for your bone health and your immune system. It makes you happy: Just like it makes you feel energised, walking can really help improve your mood and make you feel happy. If you’re suffering from depression or anxiety, or generally feel stressed, a walk could really help.   There are different fundraising events during National Walking Month, for all different ages. This year is the #try20 challenge, where you walk 20 minutes a day for the month. Some people also challenge their friends and family to see who can walk the furthest during the month. There is also a Walk to School Week (21-25 May), where you can donate what you would have spent on travel. You can donate to Living Streets to help fight pollution and congestion, to help make the streets safer for walking, and to support the more isolated members of our communities through walking projects.For the elderly, getting involved doesn’t have to mean large amounts of walking if they are less physically able. There is a project called Walking Connects which provides resources to help them start or maintain walking habits. For those who can get outside and walk, planning routes that have resting places along the way would be advisable. However, if you’re unable to get outside or walk too far, you could walk around your garden as much as possible if you have the facilities to do so.Try to avoid sitting down for long stretches of time. Setting an alarm for every hour or two to get up and stretch your legs and walk around the house might be a good way to participate. Clearing a path for this, such as moving furniture so you have little chance of tripping over anything, could help if you aren’t confident on your feet. For more information on National Walking Month and for how to get involved, visit this website.

World Hand Hygiene Day – 5th May

Every year since 2009 on 5th May, we have celebrated World Hand Hygiene Day. Its aim is to continually promote and maintain sustainability of hand hygiene in health care and to bring people together to support hand hygiene improvement around the world. This year’s theme is recognising that through cleaning our hands we can add to a facility’s culture of safety and quality, and that this will encourage people to clean their hands at the right times with the right products. To understand the importance of hand hygiene, here are some facts from Hartmann Science Centre. Did you know: Adequate hand hygiene prevents up to 50% of preventable nosocomial infections Globally, 1 in 4 health facilities lacks a basic water supply, which affects the health care of 1.8 billion people Hand hygiene compliance rarely exceeds 70% even in high-income countries In Europe, 8.9 million nosocomial infections occur annually in acute and long-term care facilities   To prioritise clean hands in health facilities, people at all levels need to understand and believe in the importance of hand hygiene and Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) to save lives. This way, both patients and healthcare workers feel protected. World Hand Hygiene Day also highlights the importance of health workers leading by example with washing their hands. There are 5 key moments that they should wash their hands for: Before touching a patient Before clean/aseptic procedures After body fluid exposure/risk After touching a patient After touching patient surroundings This campaign is particularly useful for industries that involve food handling or, of course, the medical industry. However, it is still important for the general public to wash their hands properly and often. It can help prevent the spread of infections such as respiratory illnesses or the common cold. Our hands are a key part of our body that can share and spread germs. So, along with ensuring we all thoroughly wash our hands, we should try to touch our eyes, nose, and mouth as little as possible, especially if we have not washed our hands for a while.You may think you know how to wash your hands, but the World Health Organisation has also provided a detailed step-by-step guide for how to wash our hands properly. The duration should last 40-60 seconds: Wet hands with water Apply soap – enough to cover all hand surfaces Rub hands palm to palm Right palm over left dorsum with interlaced fingers and vice versa Palm to palm with fingers interlaced Backs of fingers to opposing palms with fingers interlocked Rotational rubbing of left thumb clasped in right palm and vice versa Rotational rubbing, backwards and forwards, with clasped fingers of right hand in left palm and vice versa Rinse hands with water Dry hands thoroughly with a single use towel Use towel to turn off tap It is important that we all work together and do our part in light of World Hand Hygiene Day, and the rest of the year too. Trying to stop the spread of germs where possible can save lives. Read more information about World Hand Hygiene Day here.

Deaf Awareness Week: Supporting the Deaf Community

One in five adults in the UK is deaf or has hearing loss, meaning 12 million people in the UK are affected. The communication struggles caused by deafness can result in feelings of frustration, loneliness, and isolation. Deaf Awareness Week, from 2nd – 8th May this year, is an opportunity to celebrate deafness, highlighting the isolation that deaf people can experience in order to tackle this discrimination and promote social inclusion for the deaf community. The deaf community includes those who have been deaf all their lives, those who have become deaf, those who suffer from hearing difficulties, and those who have deaf friends and family. They share experiences of deafness or want to support those who have. Being treated as equals without being seen as someone with a ‘disability’ is a key factor in the deaf community, and we should ensure that we treat them with the respect and acknowledgment they desire. Many of the challenges that deaf people experience can go unseen and unnoticed, so this year’s Deaf Awareness Week is focusing on ‘Inclusion Deafness’. It strives to: Highlight the impact of hearing loss on everyday life Raise awareness for the importance of mental health for deaf people Increase inclusion for underrepresented groups Fight issues where deafness is overlooked in education and the workplace The lack of empathy and understanding around deafness, as well as the barriers to work, travel, socialising, and communication, can affect the mental well-being and self-esteem of deaf people. In order to support the deaf community, we can learn about the struggles they face, their methods of communication, and further ways in which they would like to feel more included. For example, did you know there are several different methods of communication in the deaf community? They are listening and speaking, lip-reading, British Sign Language (BSL), Sign Supported English (SSE), Signed English (SE), fingerspelling, Makaton. Read more about these methods here. In the workplace, ensuring that measures are taken to include those with hearing difficulties is important. Before meetings, check if anyone needs communication support. Then, let them know who will be speaking in the meeting so they know who to look for with lip reading and sign language. Ensure your head is turned towards them when speaking and try not to cover your mouth. With the increase of video call meetings, take care when muting yourself – keep muted when you don’t need to speak to prevent any unnecessary noise confusion. Turn your camera on so that people can lip read and sit still and close to the camera without any blurred effects on. Use visual cues where possible, such as raising your hand before you’re about to speak so people know where to look. Additional tips for supporting the deaf community from Healthy Hearing are as follows: Rephrase rather than repeat what you said – choose different words that are easier to hear Move to a different environment—one with less background noise or better lighting Use simple sentences rather than complex ones which can be hard to follow Make sure to speak clearly and slowly and at a natural volume Try an assistive listening device, like a personal amplifier Don’t get frustrated and say, “Never mind, it’s not important.” This can make a person with hearing loss feel worse Patience goes a long way. Do your best to laugh off any miscommunications   Deaf Awareness Week is the perfect opportunity to read more about the deaf community and the struggles they face, as well as the ways in which we can help and support them. You can read more about deafness and inclusion on The Royal National Institute for Deaf People’s (RNID) website and more about Deaf Awareness Week here.

Severe stress and the actions to take – blog 5

For our final blog in the Stress Awareness Month series, we want to highlight that stress can become serious, but that getting professional help is not a sign of weakness – it is sometimes the best option. We’ve given tips for self-help techniques when coping with stress, which you can find in our other blogs in the series. These are great ways to tackle everyday stress as well as the more prolonged episodes of stress. However, we understand that sometimes, these techniques may not work, or they simply may not be enough. This is where we would urge you to seek further help and to never suffer alone.   What’s the difference between chronic stress and acute stress? Chronic stress is something that is experienced so continuously that it becomes a normal feeling. Acute stress is more immediate and short-term. It usually occurs in the first month after someone experiences trauma. We all react to stress differently, and factors such as our genetics and life experiences can play a part in this. By life experiences, we mean events from your childhood, abuse, homelessness, death, parental divorce etc.   What can severe stress cause? Chronic stress, if left without attention, can begin to affect your body. This is because when you’re stressed, your immune system is stimulated, and then it can be overstimulated with chronic stress. Some of the effects could be: Back pain Muscle tension Worsening asthma symptoms Worsening obtrusive pulmonary disease (COPD) symptoms Increased risk of hypertension, stroke, or heart attack High blood pressure Obesity Skin irritation Respiratory infections Heart disease Mental health issues can arise from chronic stress, too, such as anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Depression is also a common result of stress, with studies showing that both acute and chronic stress were causes of or at least heavily linked to the onset of depression.   Getting professional help When your stress has reached a point where you require further help, looking at the different options available and seeing what might be best for you is the next step. Speaking to your doctor will ensure you get the best advice for moving forward, whether that be therapy or medication. A popular option is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which can help people deal with chronic stress. The objective is to help the patient to understand and modify their behaviours, thoughts, and feelings. Along with this, it can help them to develop tools and coping mechanisms for managing their stress responses. For more information on CBT, read this information on the NHS website.If therapy isn’t suggested or you don’t feel comfortable with doing this, your doctor may then suggest taking medication. They may prescribe antidepressants if you’re experiencing anxiety or depression, or if you’re struggling to sleep, they may prescribe sedatives. For further information, read more on the NHS website. Over this series, we have looked into stress for carers, stress for the elderly, stress in general and long-lasting stress. We hope these guidelines have been helpful, and if you do need help, please don’t hesitate to reach out to helplines or your doctor for support. For further information, follow this link.

In depth guidelines for handling stress – blog 4

For our fourth blog in the Stress Awareness Month series, we want to take a more in depth look into what stress is and provide you with more detailed guidelines for how to help. We want you to feel equipped to be able to look after your mental health in such trying times. To read about stress as a care worker or stress in the elderly, read our other blogs in the series here.   A reminder: What is stress? Stress is a natural reaction to different situations in life. This could be anything to do with family, relationships, and money difficulties. A large contributor to stress is also work, which is something we can all probably relate to. In fact, working culture in the UK is one of the biggest causes of stress, and 70 million days are lost a year at work due to mental health conditions.People deal with stress differently, and what may be stressful for one person may be motivational for another. However, it’s important to focus on how you’re feeling and to understand your own triggers and responses. When we feel stressed, our body releases hormones to help us deal with these pressures or threats – also known as the ‘fight or flight’ response. Adrenaline and noradrenaline raise your blood pressure which increases your heart rate. This prepares your body for an emergency response. Cortisol is another stress hormone that’s released, which discharges fat and sugar into your system to boost your energy. You might then experience headaches, muscle tension, pain, nausea, indigestion, and dizziness. After the stress has passed, the hormone levels should return to normal. However, if you’re feeling constantly stressed, these hormones stay in your body and can lead to health conditions. These can include: Lower immunity levels Digestive and intestinal difficulties like irritable bowel syndrome Mental health problems like depression   How to tell if you’re experiencing stress It’s important to recognise when you’re feeling stressed so that you can target your feelings more specifically. These are clues you’re feeling stressed, and you can read our blog Stress Awareness Month: Spotting The Signs Of Stress for further insights. Anxiety – constant worry, racing thoughts, repeatedly going over the same things in your head Changes in your behaviour – Irritability, becoming more verbally or physically aggressive Low self-esteem – which can lead to becoming withdrawn, indecisive, and tearful Sleeping problems Change in appetite – eating more or less than usual Sweating Guidelines for coping with stress Recognising your stress triggers You may find that being able to understand what it is exactly that’s causing you stress will help you to better target it. A method to find your triggers could be a stress diary, keeping a note every time you feel stressed over 2-4 weeks. What to write down could include: The time, date, and place What were you doing? Who was there? How did you feel physically? A stress rating (on a scale of 0-10) Read more about this method through this link.   Re-evaluate your daily routine Perhaps after the COVID-19 pandemic you lost touch with your routine, or for other reasons you’ve fallen out of or into a routine you don’t enjoy. You may need most to focus on meaningful activities to make the space around you clean, tidy and organised. Alternatively, you may want to re-prioritise how you’re spending your time, such as allowing yourself more time to relax, read, or see friends and family. A tip for this could be writing a to-do list for the day or planning out your week more effectively and thoroughly.    Make the link between physical and mental health If you’ve read our other blogs, you’ll have noticed that looking after your body is a large part of contributing to your mental health. Start with making sure you’re trying to eat healthily where you can. Well-balanced meals and drinking water are essential for looking after your body. Here are some easy healthy recipes you could try. Then, try and fit in exercise where you can. This is a mood booster, and a good way to help your sleeping habits and reduce anxiety. If you’re less physically able, small walks or gardening would help, or gentle at-home exercises such as yoga or a gentle morning workout. If you’re short of time, you could try doing 10-15 minute bursts of exercise for a quick energy boost. Talk and connect with others Friends and family are invaluable. Ensuring you stay connected with them could help your mental well-being greatly. If you’re unable to leave the house to meet them or shift patterns prevent you from seeing them, don’t under-estimate the power of a call or video call. It’s also beneficial to talk about your worries rather than keeping them to yourself. Although it may seem scary or overwhelming, approaching friends and family may be the best solution. If you’d prefer to speak to someone else, you can use the ‘check in and chat’ service with NHS Volunteer Responders, or you can find information here about NHS mental health helplines. Do things you enjoy It sounds obvious but spending time doing things that make you happy is a good way to target your mental health. You may find that feeling stressed has stopped you from wanting to do these things, so making an active effort to get back into doing them should benefit you. Engaging in activities or hobbies that can help you relax or take your mind off things are a great place to start. If you’ve totally fallen out of touch with old hobbies, try learning something new!   Go outside Finally, something easy that can help boost your mood is the outdoors. Being around nature and breathing in fresh air is a great way to clear your mind, take a break and get some sunlight – if the weather permits! If you can’t go outside, opening your windows or sitting somewhere where you can look outside might be a small help.

Dealing with stress as a care worker – blog 2

Continuing with our blog series for Stress Awareness Month, we want to look closer at stress in the workplace and to acknowledge and appreciate the stress that our care workers endure for their job. It can be both physically and mentally exhausting, which can sometimes lead to Caregiver Burnout. Being a care worker involves having a lot of responsibility, since you are assisting people with their physical and mental health and can sometimes be the only human interaction that they have a day. Therefore, it’s not surprising that the psychological impact of the role means a large portion of carers have felt like resigning or that they have had to take medication for mental health problems. Many people will also be providing care for loved ones and may have had to quit jobs and make changes to their lifestyles to be able to do so. There can often be further stress levels added in these circumstances, with having to adjust to the reality of your loved one’s declining health whilst supporting them. As a care worker or someone caring for a loved one, some feelings to look out for may indicate that you’re suffering from heightened stress levels. Exhaustion – due to the hours you’re putting in, or equally due to the nature of the work Pressure – putting too much pressure on yourself to be the ‘perfect carer’ Lack of motivation – providing care for someone who is unable to reciprocate their feelings or show gratitude Finding it difficult to sleep or relax – you may find you can’t switch off from work or your carer duties Changes in appetite – you may find you’re eating more or less than normal Unclear thinking – you may be feeling more emotional than usual or be excessively worrying It’s so important to regain and maintain balance in your life. Constantly putting energy into caring for others may mean you’re neglecting your own needs and forgetting to look after your own physical and mental health. Here are some things that you can do or simply remind yourself when you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Talk: Reach out to your friends and family rather than bottling up your worries. Whether you need advice or just a listening ear, it’s not a crime or a sign of weakness to open up to loved ones. Ask for help: It’s very natural to need a hand every now and then, and if you feel as though you have a thousand things to do with too little time, or you just have no energy to do something, ask for help. With this comes accepting help when it’s offered to you, too. Look after your health: Your own health is just as important as the people’s you’re caring for. Eating healthily, ensuring you’re sleeping enough and trying to fit in regular exercise are all vital things to pay attention to. Taking time to yourself is important so that you can have a break. Even just 10-15 minutes could be enough time to try something like yoga or breathing exercises to help you relax and wind down. Get professional support: If you’re caring for a loved one, getting the help from professional carers would ease the workload and strain from yourself. If you’re a care worker, you may feel like you need to speak to a doctor or counsellor about how to deal with heightened stress levels. Give yourself the credit you deserve: Reminding yourself of the good you’re doing with your job enforces the positives of the job. Perhaps when times get tough, remembering why you became a carer and all the help you’ve given to service users will boost your morale. For further help and guidance on how to handle stress as a care worker, follow this link.

What is Parkinson’s Disease? / World Parkinson’s Awareness Week

Many of us will have heard of Parkinson’s Disease, but we might not necessarily know what it is or understand what it means for the people who have it. As it’s World Parkinson’s Week, it is the perfect opportunity to raise awareness and funds for those who suffer with the disease in the hopes of improving their quality of life.   Around 145,000 people live with Parkinson’s Disease in the UK, and this figure is growing – it’s the fastest growing neurological condition in the world. Unfortunately, there is also no cure, meaning people who develop the disease have it for their lifetime. So, what is Parkinson’s Disease? Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive nervous system disorder, meaning it causes problems in the brain and gets worse over time. To be more specific, it’s a disorder that affects dopamine-producing neurons in a specific area of the brain called substantial nigra. What does this actually mean for people suffering with Parkinson’s disease? Their movement is affected, and it can get progressively worse over time. Symptoms usually start gradually and in different forms. They can be mild enough to go unnoticed, and the development can be quick or slow over years. The main 3 symptoms are as follows: Tremor: It usually begins in a limb, commonly your hand or fingers. Slowed movement (bradykinesia): Your movement may become increasingly slower, such as having shorter steps, dragging your feet as you try to walk. Rigid muscles: This can occur in any part of your body – it can be painful and limit your range of motion. Further symptoms are: Impaired posture and balance: You may experience a stooped posture and problems with your balance. Loss of automatic movements: The ability to perform basic movements may become a struggle, such as blinking, smiling, or swinging your arms when you walk. Speech changes: Speaking softly, quickly, or slurring, as well as becoming more monotone. Freezing: Suddenly stopping whilst doing repetitive tasks, like walking or brushing your teeth. Speech: Problems with your speech and communication, and even swallowing. Living with Parkinson’s disease can be both mentally and physically draining, so it’s important that you do things to target both the mind and the body. Being active is extremely beneficial. Exercise helps the brain to use dopamine more efficiently which can lessen the onset of the disorder. You can adapt the level of exercise depending on how far on your Parkinson’s has developed.   If your symptoms are mild, vigorous activity that works the whole body is the best option. If symptoms are slightly more developed, exercise that requires effort and challenges you is the better option. For example, a 20 minute fast paced walk, or exercises that help with strength and balance like Yoga and Pilates. When your symptoms are even further developed, practicing simple everyday movements is helpful, like getting up from a chair. How to help a loved one with Parkinson’s disease… Learning about the disease and gaining an understanding of what they’re going through will not only allow you to talk about it with them more easily, but also enable you to react faster when your loved one needs help. Encouragement will go a long way. Mentally, they may be feeling unmotivated and depressed, so trying to implement positivity through an active and social lifestyle may re-engage their life. Taking them for a walk and getting them out the house will support their need for exercise and give them a change of scenery as well as a dose of fresh air. Going with them to exercise classes or aiding them with simple at-home activities may take away some of their stress. Suggesting a support group or simply visiting them for a chat may just be the social interaction they need to prevent loneliness. It’s essential, however, that they feel like they still have some normality in their life, without feeling totally different or outcast because of their disease. Find out more about Parkinson’s Disease here.

Stress Awareness Month: Spotting the Signs of Stress – blog 1 of series

Everyone has experienced some form of stress in their lifetime, whether it’s been mild or severe. April is Stress Awareness Month, which has been held every year since 1992. It aims to raise further awareness around the causes and cures of stress, making it an open and honest topic for everyone. To help raise awareness and provide support, we have decided to create a short series of blogs to help you identify the causes and signs of stress, and how to combat them. With 74% of adults feeling high levels of stress, it’s clear that it’s a common issue. Many mental health problems derive from stress, and it can link to physical problems, too. So, it’s important we understand what stress is, the different ways we experience it and how to combat it. Stress is… A normal human reaction to change, and how we react when we feel under pressure, threatened or overwhelmed. It can be positive, making sure we are alert, motivated, and ready to avoid danger. However, if stress continues or comes in high volumes, the effects can be bad for your mental and physical health. Some things you should look out for when trying to recognise the signs of stress: Feeling overwhelmed and drained Feeling impatient and irritable, maybe aggressive Feeling anxious and nervous Feeling depressed and negative There are some physical sensations and behaviours that you can look out for too: Tension in your muscles Finding it difficult to sleep or stay asleep Headaches High blood pressure Struggling to eat or overeating Difficulty breathing Panic attacks Changes to your menstrual cycle It’s also important to look for signs in your employees regarding their stress levels: Loss of motivation and commitment Lower confidence levels Emotional reactions Arguments If you’re feeling stressed, you don’t have to suffer – there are things you can do to try and help. They won’t act as an instant cure but reducing your stress levels will make it more manageable and bearable: Exercise to help boost your mood when you’re feeling overwhelmed. As little as a short walk can be enough to make a difference. Relaxation activities like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises. Eating healthily and ensuring you’re sleeping enough. Don’t take on further responsibilities if you’re feeling overwhelmed – learn to say no. Learn to accept that you can’t control everything – try not to worry about things you cannot change. Talking to family, friends, and colleagues when you want someone to listen or need some advice. Seeking professional help – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can help you understand the way your thoughts and feelings are connected and control your thoughts around situations that cause your stress. For more information about Stress Awareness Month, follow this link:

React Homecare’s Valentine’s Day Message

  Happy Valentine’s Day! Today is a day where people celebrate their love for one another. However, here at React Homecare, we want to use this day to share our admiration for our very own workforce.   So, our Valentine’s Day message goes out to all our staff, Carers and Service Users:   Every day, our dedicated and caring staff give 110% to care for those who need a little extra help. It is thanks to their passion and love for helping others that we are able to keep this business running. It’s not a one-way street though, our Service Users are all lovely in return and our Carers can see how much they brighten up someone’s day. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]So, this evening, we raise a glass to all our amazing staff and Carers for all their passion, love and dedication – thank you for everything that you do![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”2722″ img_size=”large”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Home Care & Support Services