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Welcoming Calvern Care – our new Mid Essex branch

Welcoming Calvern Care: expanding our services to Mid Essex  At Provide React Homecare, we are proud to share some exciting…

Mental Health Awareness Week

From 9th-15th May, it’s Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme this year is loneliness. A large amount of us in…

National Walking Month – #WalkThisMay

It’s National Walking Month, where we are all encouraged to be more active through walking, whether it’s something we already…

World Hand Hygiene Day – 5th May

Every year since 2009 on 5th May, we have celebrated World Hand Hygiene Day. Its aim is to continually promote…

Deaf Awareness Week: Supporting the Deaf Community

One in five adults in the UK is deaf or has hearing loss, meaning 12 million people in the UK…

Severe stress and the actions to take – blog 5

For our final blog in the Stress Awareness Month series, we want to highlight that stress can become serious, but…

In depth guidelines for handling stress – blog 4

For our fourth blog in the Stress Awareness Month series, we want to take a more in depth look into…

How to support the elderly with stress – blog 3

For the third blog in our series for Stress Awareness Month, we are focussing on our service users, looking at…

Dealing with stress as a care worker – blog 2

Continuing with our blog series for Stress Awareness Month, we want to look closer at stress in the workplace and…

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